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The moment I opened Misplaced Righteousness... As I read the opening statements at the beginning of the book, I realised that the book was written from that place of honesty and such a genuine desire to teach truth to a dying world and a misguided church.
The language is simple, the font style appealing and the truth is not masked by intellectual verbiage... I discovered that this book would challenge its readers...
Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg expounds in What Really is Christianity, from a position of Love. A love so deep, that like Christ, he does not want to see man eternally separated from God.
Apostle contends that today we are caught up in Religious Christianity, Secular Christianity and Humanism which are all founded by men and in many respects diametrically differ from Christ’s Christianity.
The book Working the Harvest is another treasure that has become very precious to me. I believe the timing of this release is impeccable, since there is no better time to ignite the hearts of believers in these last days to return to this foundational truth.
Working the Harvest reveals a neglected but critically necessary function of believers. Somewhere along the line we have forgotten that the very heart of God is that none should perish...
We currently live in an age of secular humanism and political correctness which has, to a large extent, pushed God off the scene. We think that we have Him boxed in and that we know all that there is to know about Him.
But God, always reserves for himself a remnant of people and a remnant of thought – mysteries – that He will reveal just when things seem to be at their worst. Revelation which often fuels a Revival.